June 5, 2011

Temaril-P vs Atopica/Keto combo therapy

Interesting observation:
Calculate the price of Temaril-P
the price of 1/2 dose
Atopica/Keto combination therapy

They are much closer than you think...

Finally a TRUE NSAID for allergy for the SAME price???

Atopica 2.5mg/kg with 5mg/kg ketoconazole on the same day

Flea and Tick Revolution

The Flea and Tick product category is undergoing a revolution.

The Market Place Game (available on itchnot.com)
is designed to help vets and clinics
BE decisive in their product selection
to better prepare for the changes ahead.
LOTS of good products - BE DECISIVE!


Malaseb Shampoo is finally back
woot woot

FreForm EFA too